Program, Budget and Finance presents budget to General Convention

The following statement has been issued by the members of the Episcopal Church Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget and Finance, on July 10 at the 77th General Convention of the Episcopal Church.


The Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget and Finance completed its work on the proposed 2013-15 budget and presented it to the House of Bishops and the House of Deputies in a joint session at 2:15 pm Eastern on July 10.

The proposed budget is structured according to the Five Marks of Mission and based on a 19% asking for each year of the 2013-15 Triennia.

The budget document is available here:

Diane B. Pollard, Diocese of New York, Chair of Program, Budget and Finance, and Bishop Stephen Lane, Diocese of Maine, Vice chair, on behalf of the members of Program, Budget and Finance.


July 10, 2012




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