Public Affairs

Program, Budget and Finance issues statement following hearing

The following statement has been issued by the members of the Episcopal Church Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget and Finance, on July 7 at the 77th General Convention of the Episcopal Church.

The Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget and Finance conducted its second hearing on Friday evening on funding the budget of The Episcopal Church and heard strong support for a 19% asking over the next triennium. The Committee also heard extensive testimony regarding the Development Office. Strong opinions both for and against were expressed. Program, Budget and Finance was impressed by stories offered about the work of the Development Office in supporting local mission.

Following the hearing, the Committee voted to craft its proposed budget based on a 19% asking for 2013-2015. Program, Budget and Finance continues to meet in Room 205 of the Indianapolis Convention Center. Its third hearing, on spending, will take place Saturday evening at 7:30 p.m. in the Indiana Ballroom of the Downtown Marriott hotel.

Diane Pollard, Diocese of New York, Chair of Program, Budget and Finance, and Bishop Stephen Lane, Diocese of Maine, Vice chair, on behalf of the members of Program, Budget and Finance.

July7, 2012





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