Public Affairs

Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori announces appointments

Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori has announced appointments to the House of Bishops Committees for the 2013-2015 triennium as well as the bishop appointments to the General Convention Joint Committees and Standing Commissions.

Appointed by the Presiding Bishop are:

Court of Review for Trial of a Bishop:  Bishops Scott Barker of Nebraska, Frank Brookhart of Montana, Michael Curry of North Carolina, Mary Glasspool of Los Angeles, Mary Gray-Reeves of El Camino Real, J. Samuel Howard of Florida, Don Johnson of West Tennessee, Michael Milliken of Western Kansas, Wayne Wright of Delaware.

Disciplinary Board:  Bishops Ian Douglas of Connecticut, Dena Harrison of Texas, Herman Hollerith of Southern Virginia, Scott Mayer of Northwest Texas, Thomas Shaw of Massachusetts, Prince Singh of Rochester,  James Waggoner of Spokane, Catherine Waynick of Indianapolis. (Note: Dorsey Henderson of Central Florida is president of the Disciplinary Board and was elected by the HOB). 

Ecclesiology:  Bishops John Buchanan of Quincy, William Gregg of North Carolina, Pierre Whalon of Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe.

Hospitality: Bishops Scott Benhase of Georgia, Orlando Guerrero of Venezuela, Mark Hollingsworth of Ohio.

Membership: Bishops Laura Ahrens of Connecticut, Edward Little of Northern Indiana, Nedi Rivera of Eastern Oregon, Dabney Smith of Southwestern Florida, Andrew Waldo of Upper South Carolina.

Pastoral Development: Bishops Nathan Baxter of Central Pennsylvania, Oge Beauvoir of Haiti, James Curry of Connecticut, Gayle Harris of Massachusetts, Herman Hollerith of Southern Virginia, Robert O’Neill of Colorado, Todd Ousley of Eastern Michigan, Jacob Owensby of Western Louisiana, Lawrence Provenzano of Long Island, Luis Ruiz of Dominican Republic, James Waggoner of Spokane, Dean Wolfe of Kansas.

Planning:  Bishops Neil Alexander of Atlanta, Lloyd Allen of Honduras, Diane Jardine Bruce of Los Angeles, Andy Dietsche of New York, Robert Hirschfeld of New Hampshire, Paul Lambert of Dallas, Todd Ousley of Eastern Michigan, Kenneth Price of Pittsburgh, Sean Rowe of Northwestern Pennsylvania, John Smylie of Wyoming, Dean Wolfe of Kansas.

Reconciliation/mediation: Bishops Mary Gray-Reeves of El Camino Real, Edward Little of Northern Indiana, Michael Milliken of Western Kansas.

Religious Communities:  Bishops Michael Garrison, Russell Jacobus (chair) of Fond du Lac, Jeff Lee of Chicago, William Love of Albany, Nedi Rivera of Eastern Oregon, Arthur Williams of Ohio.

Theology:  Bishops John Bauerschmidt of Tennessee, Larry Benfield of Arkansas, Thomas Breidenthal of Southern Ohio, Joe Burnett (chair) of Maryland, Wayne Smith of Missouri, Porter Taylor of Western North Carolina, Michael Vono of Rio Grande, Pierre Whalon of Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe.

Theological Education Task Force:  Bishops Neil Alexander of Atlanta, Bishop-Elect Douglas Fisher (to be consecrated December 2012) of Western Massachusetts,  James Shand of Easton, Andrew Doyle of Texas, Michael Smith of North Dakota.

Presiding Bishop’s Council of Advice

The members of the Presiding Bishop’s Council of Advice are the presidents or vice presidents of the nine Provinces of the Episcopal Church:  Bishops Stephen Lane of Maine (Province I), Lawrence Provenzano of Long Island (Province II), Neff Powell of Southwestern Virginia (Province III), Dabney Smith of Southwest Florida (Province IV); Wayne Smith of Missouri (Province V), Rob O’Neill of Colorado (Province VI), Larry Benfield of Arkansas (Province VII), James Mathes of San Diego (Province VIII) and Francisco Duque of Colombia (Province IX).  Also members of the Council of Advice are Bishop Dean Wolfe of Kansas, vice president of the House of Bishops and Bishop Clay Matthews of the Office of Pastoral Development

Joint Committees of the General Convention

Nominations:  Bishops Chilton Knudsen of Maine, Edward Little of Northern Indiana, Chester Talton of San Joaquin.

Planning & Arrangements: Bishops Diane Jardine Bruce of Los Angeles, Scott Hayashi of Utah

Program, Budget & Finance: Bishops Gladstone Adams of Central New York, David Alvarez of Puerto Rico, Robert Gepert of Western Michigan, Edward Konieczny of Oklahoma, Steve Lane of Maine, James Mathes of San Diego, James Shand of Easton, Terry White of Kentucky

Standing Commissions of the General Convention (new appointments)

Anglican & International Peace with Justice Concerns: Bishop James Magness of Federal Ministries

Communications & Information Technology: Bishop Scott Barker of Nebraska and Bishop-Elect Dorsey McConnell (to be consecrated October 20).

Constitution & Canons: Bishop Laura Ahrens of Connecticut, Herman Hollerith of Southern Virginia

Ecumenical & Interreligious Relations: Bishop Scott Hayashi of Utah

Health: Bishops Marc Andrus of California, William Love of Albany

Lifelong Christian Formation & Education: Bishops William Franklin of Western New York, Morris Thompson of Louisiana

Liturgy & Music: Bishop Steve Miller of Milwaukee

Ministry Development: Bishop Rayford Ray of Northern Michigan

Mission & Evangelism: Bishop Dabney Smith of Southwestern Florida

Small Congregations: Bishop Jacob Owensby of Western Louisiana

Social Justice & Public Policy: Bishop Michael Hanley of Oregon

Stewardship & Development: Bishop Ted Gulick of Virginia

Structure of the Church: Bishops Martin Field of West Missouri, Don Johnson of West Tennessee, David Reed of West Texas

World Mission: Bishops Robert Fitzpatrick of Hawaii, John Smylie of Wyoming



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Categories: Public Affairs