Public Affairs

Presiding Bishop invites The Episcopal Church to the 2019 Annual Appeal

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry is inviting The Episcopal Church and its supporters to participate in the Annual Appeal, now in its second year, saying “The Annual Appeal of The Episcopal Church is one of the many ways that we as Episcopalians help to bless this world.”

The goal of The Episcopal Church 2019 Annual Appeal is to invite every Church member to participate directly in churchwide mission and ministry by making a financial gift. The Annual Appeal brochure features stories of individuals as they practice ‘Bless’ through the Way of Love, reflecting how they have been ‘Blessed’ through their own work of ministry in The Episcopal Church. Click here to read the stories.

“While General Convention mandated the Annual Appeal as a revenue stream for the budget, it is more importantly an invitation for all Episcopalians to be directly involved in supporting the mission and ministry of The Episcopal Church,” said Treasurer and CFO, N. Kurt Barnes, who oversees the Office of Development and the Annual Appeal. “When we give to the appeal, we show that we believe in the work of our Presiding Bishop and of our Church in the world. A gift to the Annual Appeal engages us directly into every ministry churchwide. I hope everyone accepts this invitation and participates. It can change your life and the lives of many others across the world.”

Ways to Give
Gifts to The Episcopal Church 2019 Annual Appeal can be made by clicking here, or by calling 212.716.6002, or using your smartphone to text ‘APPEAL’ to 91999. For more information, contact T.J. Houlihan, Development Officer, at or 212.716.6271.

The following is the Presiding Bishop’s letter:

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I write to invite you to support our Episcopal Church’s Annual Appeal. This Church-wide Appeal is one tangible way to support our ministry of and witness to the Way of Love that Jesus taught in our time and in the wider world. Let me show you what I mean.

In the first century, Jesus of Nazareth inspired a movement. It was a movement of people whose lives were centered on Jesus and who were committed to living His way, which is the way of the cross, the way of God’s unconditional, unselfish, sacrificial, and redemptive love. 

Today our vocation is, I believe, to be that movement of Jesus, living and bearing witness to this Way of Love in our time. The Annual Appeal is one tangible way to support that witness to this Way of Love in the wider world.

For example, this Appeal helps us not only heed our collective call of continuing to ‘welcome the stranger’ through Episcopal Migration Ministries, it helps grow our newly-launched network called Partners in Welcome; brought together to build a community of support and solidarity for welcoming newcomers to our country, and led by two staff persons who assist in its discernment, development and ministry to the whole Church. In so doing, we witness to the Way of Love.

This Appeal helps lift up 37 Young Adult Service Corps members and other missionaries serving and witnessing to the Way of Love in 17 countries beyond the United States. The work is transformative for both the missionaries and the communities in which they serve.

The Appeal helps sustain the 110 federal chaplains who serve men and women in the military, reserves, auxiliaries (Civil Air Patrol and Coast Guard), Veterans Administration hospitals, and federal prisons. These chaplains provide spiritual and day-to-day support to service men and women on ships and land, veterans requiring medical services, and the incarcerated. Their witness to the Way of Love, as the way of Jesus, the way of the Christian, is a particular and important witness. And they are, literally, around the world.

The General Convention of our Church gave us a goal of raising $1 million over the 2019-2021 triennium, with every dollar going to support the collective ministries of a Church that welcomes refugees around the United States, plants churches, evangelizes the Good News of Jesus Christ, proclaims the Way of Love to countless individuals, and does so much more.

Please join me in this effort. I ask on behalf of the thousands of men, women, and children who, through the practice of giving, are blessed by your love and care. I invite you to join me in making a gift of any amount, prayerfully considering that God is guiding your faith in our Church.

There are many ways you can participate, including giving securely online at, or texting ‘APPEAL’ to 91999.

Thank you. The work that we join in together makes a difference – not only in our lives but in the lives of others across God’s world.

Your brother in Christ,

The Most Reverend Michael Bruce Curry
Presiding Bishop and Primate
The Episcopal Church