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Presiding bishop invites applicants for 2023 UN Commission on the Status of Women delegation

December 14, 2022
Office of Public Affairs

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry invites applications for Episcopal delegates age 19 and up to represent The Episcopal Church in person and virtually at the 67th Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW67) in New York City, March 6-17. It will be the first time the church sends in-person delegates since the COVID-19 pandemic began.

Applications are due by Jan. 13. Nominations will be announced by mid-February. Find all criteria and applications online in English and Spanish.

The presiding bishop’s hybrid delegation will consist of a small number of in-person delegates who will attend UNCSW at the UN headquarters in New York as well as virtual delegates who will participate remotely and meet online periodically with the in-person delegates.

“We are excited to return to an in-person delegation for the first time since March 2020 and also to seize new opportunities to expand the reach of our representation and consider the impact of these evolutions for women and girls in all their diversity,” said Lynnaia Main, The Episcopal Church’s representative to the UN.

The 2023 UNCSW session lists its priority theme as “innovation and technological change, and education in the digital age for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls.”

Main noted the theme is timely considering how the world has evolved since the pandemic began.

“Innovation and technologies have expanded opportunities for all, including women and girls in all their diversity, and access has become even more essential,” she said. “We will advocate on extending access, prioritizing marginalized women and girls, ensuring human rights protections, safety and security and accelerating gender equality education.”

The delegation aims to be as representative of the entire Episcopal Church as possible, while lifting up the particular voices and stories relevant to the theme. Episcopalians who are young adults; people of color; Indigenous; LGBTQ+-identifying; from communities reflecting issues of technology, innovation, and digital education; and church leaders experienced with the theme, are especially encouraged to apply.

Delegates will be expected to participate in preparatory conference calls and in person or virtually for six to eight hours daily as they observe official UNCSW meetings. They will have opportunities to speak at Episcopal Church UNCSW events and write blogs and social media posts about their engagement, among other follow-up actions.

In-person delegates will be responsible for their own travel, housing and program expenses, and fundraising. Limited financial support may be available.

Follow news and updates on The Episcopal Church’s UNCSW webpage. For more information, contact Lynnaia Main.