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Presiding Bishop invites applicants for 2022 UN Commission on the Status of Women virtual delegation

January 5, 2022
Office of Public Affairs

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry invites applications for Episcopal delegates—including youth—to represent The Episcopal Church virtually at the 66th Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW66), March 14–25.

Applications in English or Spanish are due by Friday, Jan. 28. Delegates will be expected to participate in preparatory conference calls and to participate virtually for an average of eight hours per day during the two-week UNCSW meeting.

“The Episcopal Church has decades-long experience in engaging with the annual UN Commission on the Status of Women through many committed Episcopalians who return year after year to advance gender justice and women’s and girls’ empowerment,” said Lynnaia Main, The Episcopal Church representative to the UN. “We look forward to a rich intergenerational exchange between the wisdom of our leaders and elders, the innovation brought by newcomers, and the fresh opportunities for equity and inclusion made uniquely possible by our virtual presence during this pandemic.”

The delegation will focus on three priorities, outlined in the presiding bishop’s statement to the UNCSW:

  • Addressing the climate emergency and implementing gender mainstreaming across climate, environmental, and disaster risk-reduction policies and programs.
  • Prioritizing responses and protections for women and girls marginalized by environmental racism.
  • Accelerating women’s and girls’ empowerment and gender equality and eradicating violence against women and girls.

The presiding bishop’s delegation will consist of up to one delegate from each Episcopal Church province and one delegate from the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe. The Episcopal delegation aims to be as representative of the entire Episcopal Church as possible, while lifting up the particular voices and stories relevant to the theme.

Episcopalians who are young adults; people of color; Indigenous; LGBTQ-identifying; from communities affected by the intersections of gender and climate change, environmental injustice and disasters; and church leaders experienced with the theme, are especially encouraged to apply.

Episcopal delegates will observe online the official UNCSW meetings and will represent the presiding bishop through their virtual participation and advocacy. They will have opportunities to speak at Episcopal Church UNCSW events and write and publish blogs and social media posts about their engagement.

In addition to pre-conference calls and daily virtual participation—during primarily Eastern Standard Time business hours—delegates also will be asked to participate in evaluations, reports and follow-up actions once the conference concludes.

Applicants of any gender must be at least 19 years old, able to speak to the theme, and willing to participate in representation and advocacy at UNCSW. Youth (ages 15-18) also may apply but must attend virtual meetings with an adult chaperone, preferably a parent or legal guardian.

Applicants should have a relevant role at the parish, diocesan and/or provincial level, be accountable to a diocesan or provincial authority, and have a process for reporting back to the local community after participating in UNCSW.

The presiding bishop will announce his nominations for the delegation by mid-February. 

For more information, contact Lynnaia Main, Episcopal Church representative to the United Nations.

Learn more about The Episcopal Church’s involvement with the United Nations and with the UNCSW specifically.