Public Affairs

Presiding Bishop has visited all dioceses in The Episcopal Church

With the recently completed visit to the Diocese of Central Florida, Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori has visited all 109 dioceses and three regional areas of the Episcopal Church.

“The first canonical obligation – and the greatest joy – of this office is to visit the dioceses of The Episcopal Church, and to preach the Word and celebrate the Eucharist,” Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori said. “It is an opportunity to experience and celebrate the diversity and life of this Church, engaging God’s mission in multiple ways.  I have been in all 50 states and 13 of the 16 nations represented in this Church, visited with clergy and lay leaders in all 112 jurisdictions, and am glad to report on the health and vigor I’ve observed.”

The Presiding Bishop’s first diocesan visit was January 2007 to the Diocese of Arkansas. Since that time, she has traveled to four continents and 13 countries – including all 50 United States — to fulfill a mandate of the Presiding Bishop to “visit every Diocese of this Church for the purpose of: (i) Holding pastoral consultations with the Bishop or Bishops thereof and, with their advice, with the Lay and Clerical leaders of the jurisdiction; (ii) Preaching the Word; and (iii) Celebrating the Holy Eucharist.” Title I, Canon I.2.4(a)(6)

She continued, “Are we perfect – no – but this Church is living faithfully into the next era of what it means to be Episcopal Christians in an increasingly globalized world.  We are serving the least of these, teaching and forming new generations as partners in God’s mission, responding to injustice, and caring for God’s creation – at home and abroad in all our contexts.  It is an immense and humbling privilege to be able to help share the stories of faithfulness with others all across this global Church.”








Page 28 of 2009 Constitution & Canons Title I, Canon I.2.4(a)(6) (page 28:





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Categories: Public Affairs