Public Affairs

Presiding Bishop Curry names Wendy Karr Johnson as Digital Missioner for Formation

Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop and Primate Michael Curry has named Wendy Karr Johnson as Digital Missioner for Formation, following a churchwide search.

The Digital Missioner for Formation, a new position, is a member of the Presiding Bishop’s staff.  As Missioner, Johnson will support the ministry of the Team for Formation and Congregational Development with a focus on online formation, social media and event planning facilitation.

Johnson has been Communications Manager for Episcopal Migration Ministries since October 2014. Prior to that, she was a consultant which included work with The Episcopal Church’s Faith Formation department (working on the Episcopal Youth Events in 2014 and 2011).  Before that she was the Communications Director for Episcopal Church in Minnesota.

She holds a M.A. in Political Science from The Ohio State University. 

“Ministry with youth and young adults is foundational to the Episcopal Church and to the Jesus Movement,” Johnson said.  “I am excited to have the opportunity to support this ministry and the young people of our church as we engage the critical and life-giving work ahead.”

Johnson began her position on June 6.

Johnson can be reached at Wendy Karr Johnson