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Presiding Bishop asks Episcopalians to pray for Tennesseans following devastating flooding

May 7, 2010
Office of Public Affairs
Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori has called for Episcopalians to remember the people of Tennessee in prayer, following the recent devastating floods.

“My thoughts and prayers are with you in the aftermath of the destructive flooding that struck last weekend,” she wrote.

The following letter has been sent to Bishop John C. Bauerschmidt and the Episcopal Diocese of Tennessee.


To the Bishop and People of Tennessee:

My thoughts and prayers are with you in the aftermath of the destructive flooding that struck last weekend. I am asking Episcopalians across this Church to remember you in prayer, to grieve with you for those who have died, and to stand with you in hope for healing and recovery. I give thanks for St. Luke”s direct service in a neighborhood so heavily impacted, and for Episcopal Relief & Development in supporting your immediate disaster relief efforts. May you know that the Body of Christ walks with you in many, many ways.


Katharine Jefferts Schori

The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori

Presiding Bishop and Primate

The Episcopal Church

Episcopal Diocese of Tennessee:

Episcopal News Service: Receding Tennessee flood waters reveal death, damage

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