Public Affairs

PB Joint Nominating Committee addresses tasks, hears insights

The Joint Nominating Committee for the Presiding Bishop (JNCPB) kicked off its work on March 18-20 with a conversation with Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori and a mapping of the committee’s future work.

Meeting at the Barbara C. Harris Camp and Conference Center in NH, JNCPB is charged to present a slate of no fewer than three nominees for the office of Presiding Bishop to a joint session of the General Convention 2015 in Salt Lake City, UT (Diocese of UT).

In addition to the Presiding Bishop, Bishop Clay Matthews of the Office of Pastoral Development offered insights and information to assist in their tasks.

JNCPB member Nina Salmon, Province III, commented, “It was important for me to hear about how much the world and the church have changed in Bishop Katharine’s tenure and to think about how much they will change in the next nine years.  I was struck by her description of the global role of The Episcopal Church.”  

Additionally, suggestions received in response to questions recently presented to the church by JNCPB helped the subcommittees as to consider the following:

  • Budgeting
  • Creating educational materials about the history and role of the Presiding Bishop
  • Soliciting input from the church at-large about the state of the church and what qualities of leadership to look for in the next Presiding Bishop
  • Developing a profile
  • Timeline and specifics of the nominating process
  • Pastoral care of nominees, families and dioceses
  • Transition issues
  • Communications, both internal to the committee and from the committee to the church and beyond.

“An invitation for churchwide input will come around June 1, accompanied by educational materials which will explore the history and the role of the Presiding Bishop,” noted Polly Getz of Province VIII, facilitator of the survey and profile subcommittee. “We hope to have synthesized what we have gathered and to be able to distribute our profile by early December.”

“Nominations will open March 1, 2014,” added JNCPB co-chair Sally Johnson, Province VI.

“We are well on our way,” commented co-chair Bishop Tom Shaw, Province I. “It is a privilege to work with people willing to give so much of their time and energy and creativity for the work of the church.”


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