Public Affairs

Original artwork invited for 2014 Episcopal Church Christmas card

Submissions are invited for original artwork that will be used for the 2014 Episcopal Church Christmas card.

The original artwork should express a local understanding of God’s incarnation for the celebration of Jesus’ birth.

“The deep significance of God’s presence among us in human flesh can only be understood in particular human contexts,” noted Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori. “We are not generic human beings, and because each human being is unique, we can’t make sense of this reality in a generic human image of the divine.  This is an invitation to share your understanding with the wider Church, so that all of us might have our own local image expanded and deepened.  Do you see Jesus born in a stable, a cave, or under mid-winter stars?  What did his earthly parents look like?  What kind of plants fed the animals that gathered round?  What did the celebration of their human herders look like?  From what foreign cultures did the wise ones (Magi) come to learn and pay their respects?  We all want to see Jesus – show us the birth of God in human flesh.”

Deadline for submitting original artwork is August 15. Voting will occur September 1 to September 15 with the winner announced on October 1.

A printable PDF of the card with the winning artwork will be made available online to all congregations.  The greeting inside the card will appear in English, Spanish, French, Creole and Navajo.


Submitting images

  • Images must be no larger than 256mb for submission.  Final HI-Res images should be available upon determination of winner.  ​
  • Images may be submitted here


For information about submitting images contact Ana Arias, or Barry Merer.


For information on the Christmas Card Image Contest, contact Neva Rae Fox,



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Categories: Public Affairs