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Online Service Planned to Bless the Work of 2022 General Convention

June 1, 2021
Office of Public Affairs

Join a Convocation of Bishops and Deputies on July 17, Feast of William White

The 80th General Convention of The Episcopal Church will not take place this summer as originally planned due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but bishops, deputies and others will gather on July 17 at 2 p. m. Eastern, for an online convocation to pray for the work of the convention, now scheduled for July 2022.

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry will preach, and House of Deputies President Gay Clark Jennings will give opening remarks and officiate at a service led by deputies, bishops, and others from across the church. The service, which will be livestreamed, is scheduled for the Feast of William White, the only person ever to serve as both the church’s presiding bishop and president of its House of Deputies.

“Although we cannot be together in person this summer, we are looking forward to gathering online to hear what the Spirit is saying to the church as we prepare for the 80th General Convention,” Curry said. “The reason for our gathering is solely for the purposes of praying together and to rededicate ourselves to the work of Jesus and his way of love as our way of participating in God’s mission and work in the world.”

“William White is the architect of our polity and our system of shared governance, and as the collect for his feast day says, he governed in a time of turmoil and confusion,” Jennings said. “It seems fitting that this year on that day, deputies and bishops will gather to pray together and listen for God’s call to General Convention. May we all be blessed, as he was, with wisdom, patience, and a reconciling temper.”

The design team for the convocation, which was appointed by the presiding officers, is chaired by the Very Rev. Miguelina Howell of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut, a chaplain of the House of Bishops, and the Rev. Lester Mackenzie of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, chaplain of the House of Deputies. Members include the Rev. Ricardo Bailey, Dent Davidson, the Rev. Greg Millikin, and the Rev. Kathleen Moore.

Deputies and bishops will receive an invitation to register on Zoom to attend the convocation.