Public Affairs

Office of Communication news offerings: Telling the story of The Episcopal Church

The important and significant news and information of The Episcopal Church – ranging from breaking news like Haiti relief, to people features and commentaries on relevant topics – are readily accessible to Episcopalians, Anglicans and those seeking to learn more about The Episcopal Church.

“The Office of Communication is committed to providing news and information about The Episcopal Church in a fair and balanced way,” explained Anne Rudig, Director of Communication. “We remain committed to sharing the good work of our Church and its people through our award-winning news produced by Episcopal Church Office of Communication.”

Episcopal News Service

Episcopal News Service – commonly known as ENS – continues reporting the news of the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion through breaking news and in-depth coverage. Articles are posted daily online at

A daily, no-fee subscription to ENS is available:

Editor is Matthew Davies, international correspondent for Episcopal News Service: Matthew MacDonald

Episcopal News Monthly

Episcopal News Monthly focuses on the in-depth reporting and analysis of local, regional, national and international news, compiled from Episcopal News Service online postings. The debut issue is February 2010 with a starting circulation of 108,000.

Editor is the Rev. Mary Frances Schjonberg, national correspondent for Episcopal News Service: For subscription information, contact Larry Moore,

Episcopal News Quarterly

Episcopal News Quarterly offers a 12-page compilation of news and analysis from Episcopal News Service, starting March 2010. For printing partner information, contact Moore,

Quarterly Magazine

A new quarterly magazine for The Episcopal Church will make its debut in the fall of 2010. The feature-focused magazine is intended to inspire people of faith into action. Thought-leadership and longer-format articles are hallmarks of this innovative publication.

Editor is Lynette Wilson: Lynette Wilson

Weekly Bulletin Inserts

The Episcopal News Service Weekly Bulletin Inserts, available in English and Spanish, are teaching tools specifically designed for congregations. With a new topic and focus each week, the Weekly Bulletin Inserts provide news and information about the Episcopal Church and its mission and ministry. The Weekly Bulletin Inserts are easily downloadable and available in four formats:

Editor is Janet Kawamoto,

The Episcopal Church welcomes all who worship Jesus Christ in 109 dioceses and three regional areas in 16 nations. The Episcopal Church is a member province of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

The Episcopal Church:

Episcopal News Service:





Categories: Public Affairs