Public Affairs

Odyssey Networks grant helps fund important documentary from Episcopal Church Office of Communication

Delving into the ministry and work of the Episcopal Church to the people residing in the vast area of the United States known as Appalachia will be the focus of an in-depth video exploration, thanks to a generous grant from Odyssey Networks.

The Episcopal Church was one of many production grants awarded by Odyssey Networks on January 12.

“In a time when budgets are being cut and funding for documentary work, particularly pieces dealing with faith and values content, it's a wonderful gift to be awarded from our friends at the Odyssey Networks,” commented Mike Collins, Episcopal Church Director of Digital Media. “This film wouldn't be made without this grant.”

Collins expects the video, tentatively named “Appalachia,” to debut later this year.

About Odyssey Networks

Odyssey Networks seeks to tell the positive stories of faith in action around the globe, helping to present the voices of people of faith as they work towards bridging religious divides and promoting interfaith dialogue. Annually, Odyssey funds initiatives that help meet these goals and this year marks a milestone, as Odyssey has distributed more grants than ever before. Three-hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars have been awarded to seventeen organizations.

Odyssey Networks is the nation's largest multi-faith coalition dedicated to producing and distributing media that builds bridges of understanding among people of different beliefs and perspectives. Established in 1987, Odyssey Networks is a service of the National Interfaith Cable Coalition, Inc. For more information visit .

The Episcopal Church welcomes all who worship Jesus Christ in 109 dioceses and three regional areas in 16 nations. The Episcopal Church is a member province of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

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Categories: Public Affairs