The Office of Public Affairs

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October training session explores ways to support and advocate for refugees

August 21, 2017
Office of Public Affairs

Episcopal Migration Ministries is offering a three-day training course, “Love God, Love Neighbor”, designed to equip Episcopalians to be advocates, allies, and ambassadors for refugees and the ministry of refugee resettlement.

“Love God, Love Neighbor” will be held Tuesday – Thursday, October 10-12 at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Denver, Colorado

The training provides an in-depth exploration of the global displacement crisis, the United States refugee policy, how refugee resettlement works, faith-based advocacy for refugees, and organizing to welcome and support refugees in your home community.

More information and registration is available here

Registration deadline is September 20.

Registration is $150, includes programming, Tuesday breakfast and lunch, Wednesday breakfast and lunch, and Thursday breakfast.

A limited number of scholarships are available. To inquire about scholarship assistance, contact Allison Duvall.

“Love God, Love Neighbor” is offered by Episcopal Migration Ministries with funding from the Constable Fund. Episcopal Migration Ministries is the Episcopal Church’s foremost response to refugee crises. Working in partnership with offices and groups within the church as well as with governments, non-government organizations (NGOs), and a network of 30 affiliate offices in 26 dioceses, Episcopal Migration Ministries assures safe passage and provides vital services for thousands of refugee families upon their arrival in America: English language and cultural orientation classes; employment services; school enrollment; and initial assistance with housing and transportation. For each family, the goal is self-reliance and self-determination. After years of living in limbo, thanks to Episcopal Migration Ministries, refugees now have the opportunity to begin again on a strong foundation that honors their stories and dignity.

Information on the previous “Love God, Love Neighbor” session is here