Observe Good Friday, Celebrate Easter Sunday with liturgical programming from The Episcopal Church

The Episcopal Church Office of Communication offers ways to observe Good Friday and celebrate Easter with two seasonal liturgical programs.

On Good Friday, April 2, the penitential Stations of the Cross will be available online at www.episcopalchurch.org/stations beginning Good Friday, April 2. Originating from St. Mary The Virgin Episcopal Church in New York City, Stations of the Cross is the penitential reenacting with prayers and reflections of Jesus Christ”s way to the cross on Calvary.

At 11 am on Easter Morning, Sunday, April 4, the Office of Communication will present a live webcast of the Festive Choral Easter Eucharist from Grace Episcopal Church, New York City. The service will feature the highly-respected combined Grace Choirs. Celebrant and preacher will be the Rev. J. Donald Waring, rector of Grace. The service will be available www.episcopalchurch.org/live/easter .

The Festive Easter Service can be followed in the Book of Common Prayer. The Stations of the Cross are contained in the Book of Occasional Services.

Throughout the Lenten season, which began on Ash Wednesday, Lenten prayers, video reflections and penitential meditations have been available on the web: http://www.episcopalchurch.org/resources_seasonal_ENG_HTM.htm

The Episcopal Church welcomes all who worship Jesus Christ in 109 dioceses and three regional areas in 16 nations. The Episcopal Church is a member province of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

St Mary The Virgin Episcopal Church: http://www.stmvirgin.org/

Grace Episcopal Church, New York City http://www.gracechurchnyc.org/

Lenten resources: http://www.episcopalchurch.org/resources_seasonal_ENG_HTM.htm

The Episcopal Church: www.episcopalchurch.org

IamEpiscopalian: http://www.iamepiscopalian.org/

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Categories: Public Affairs