The Office of Public Affairs

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Nuevo Amanecer 2014: Community * Mission * Fiesta

March 10, 2014
Office of Public Affairs

Nuevo Amanecer 2014, a favorite conference in the Episcopal Church, will focus on God’s mission and the celebration of culture, diversity and the unique sense of fiesta (joy) fostered in the Latino/Hispanic Community.

With the theme Community * Mission * Fiesta, Nuevo Amanecer 2014 will be held August 25-28 at Kanuga Conference Center, NC.

Kanuga Conference Center and the Episcopal Church’s Office of Latino/Hispanic Ministries in partnership with the Latino Ministries Office of ELCA sponsor this biennial event that will offer practical tools and a network of support to better equip for ministry those working within the Latino/Hispanic community and those that want to be.

Clergy, lay leaders, diocesan Latino/Hispanic missioners, church planters, diocesan and congregational staff are invited to engage as a community to expand their knowledge by sharing best practices and exploring new methods of stewardship, church growth and evangelism.

Keynoting the event are the Rt. Rev. Diane Jardine Bruce, Suffragan Bishop of the Diocese of Los Angeles, and the Rev. Pedro Suárez, Assistant to the Bishop and Director for Evangelical Mission in Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod of the ELCA.

For registration and further information here or here

Episcopal Church Latino/Hispanic Ministries


Kanuga Conference Center

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