The Office of Public Affairs

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New website offers ways to assist Navajoland

March 6, 2014
Office of Public Affairs

Opportunities abound to assist the self-sustaining ministry of Navajoland, a regional district in the Episcopal Church.  Ideas to help sustain Navajoland by volunteering or donating are offered at a visually engaging new website,

The website was produced by the Episcopal Church Office of Communication in collaboration with the Navajoland Area Mission and the Development Office of The Episcopal Church.

Bishop David Bailey notes, “More than half of the Navajo people in the United States live in Navajoland. There are a significant number of homes without plumbing, heating or electricity. As a church it is important for us to have a witness to the Navajo, and to take steps for the area to be self-sustaining.”

The Episcopal Church Navajoland Area Mission encompasses more than 26,000 square miles in Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah.  While it began its work in 1889, the Episcopal Church Navajoland Area Mission was established in 1978.

As stated on the new website: Yet today there is a new spirit and energy in this land – exploring sustainable farming and aquaponics, expanding retreat opportunities, and working to heal addictions. Donations of time, talent and treasure through this website will help to further the work of The Episcopal Church in Navajoland. That work involves healing the wounds of the past so that new beginnings may emerge – leading to an indigenous clergy, economic self-sufficiency, and a deeper appreciation of the unique gifts the Navajos bring to The Episcopal Church and to the world.

How to help

Check  for opportunities to help sustain Navajoland.

Volunteers are needed, especially carpenters, experienced roofers, licensed electricians, licensed plumbers, and painters.

Listed on the website are various levels to assist with donations. The items range from household needs and doors to computers and paint.  

Essential repairs to buildings mean that the facilities can be used for programs, such as afterschool, computer training, or for rental income to help pay for clergy salaries and program needs.

“The needs are great and the Episcopal Church has vowed to walk hand in hand with the people of Navajoland toward self-sufficiency,” Bailey said.

For more information contact Elizabeth Lowell.



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