New Episcopal Church video series features conversations with Walter Brueggemann on stewardship

An innovative video series featuring internationally known theologian and author the Rev. Dr. Walter Brueggemann addresses money, discipleship, stewardship and traveling with the Communion of Saints to nurture faith journeys from anxious scarcity to abiding in God”s abundant generosity.

Companions on the Way: conversations on money, discipleship and stewardship is a series of four videos, each eight minutes long, based on conversations with Brueggemann conducted by the Rev. Laurel Johnston, Episcopal Church Program Officer for Stewardship. The series is available on the stewardship page of the Episcopal Church website:

Each of the four sections focuses on an important topic in today”s society:

– Ambivalence and anxiety around money

– How we as a community of faith trust in God”s generosity

– Reclaiming our identity as God”s entrusted stewards

– Jesus and life abundant

“In today”s economic and political climate, it”s easy to get caught up in the grip of anxious striving and scarcity-thinking, which is why we need companions on our journey, like Walter Brueggemann and the blessed Communion of Saints, who surround us, encourage us and pray for us to not forget the joy and blessing give in our baptism,” Johnston said.

Included in the series is the sermon preached by Brueggemann at the 2010 annual TENS (The Episcopal Network for Stewardship) conference, in which he stated, “The recurring crisis of stewardship is not about money. It is not, as we used to say, about ‘time, talent, money.” That crisis, rather, is about the self who gives or who does not give how the self is constituted, identified, perceived, presented, and situated. Because a self–wrongly constituted, wrongly identified, wrongly perceived, wrongly presented, wrongly situated–will not ever be able to be generous or grateful.”

The video series is a resource for congregations who want to engage in conversations about how living gratitude and freedom with what has been entrusted. As an added highlight, discussion questions and points are included at the conclusion of each video, thereby prompting group and community discussions.

“The mission of TENS is to inspire generosity and faithful discipleship. I can”t think of anyone more compelling and challenging than Walter Brueggemann to point us in this direction. He is an icon of faithful discipleship,” said Tom Gossen, Executive Director of TENS.

“As the church celebrates the Communion of Saints we give thanks for the prophetic ministry of Walter Brueggemann, who reminds us that through our baptism we are re-defined and re-clothed in a self of gratitude and generosity,” says Johnston.

The series is presented by the Episcopal Church Office of Stewardship in collaboration with the TENS. To order a DVD of Walter Brueggemann”s sermon and opening plenary from the 2010 TENS conference go to

Episcopal Church Office of Stewardship:

TENS (The Episcopal Network for Stewardship)

The Rev. Walter Brueggemann”s Sermon: “The Impossible Self as Steward”

The Episcopal Church welcomes all who worship Jesus Christ in 109 dioceses and three regional areas in 16 nations. The Episcopal Church is a member province of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

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