Public Affairs

Mukasa named Africa Relations Officer for Episcopal Church in cooperation with Anglican Church of Canada

In a creative step to maximize resources of mission, The Episcopal Church and the Anglican Church of Canada will cooperate in their efforts to foster missional relationships in Africa.

The Rev. Canon Dr. Isaac Kawuki Mukasa of the Diocese of Toronto, who works as the Global Relations Officer for Africa in the Anglican Church of Canada, will also become the African Relations Officer for The Episcopal Church.

“I had been blessed by the ministry of Canon Mukasa as part of Canadian and African Bishops in Dialogue and an observer of his considerable gifts and his deep understanding of African and North American cultures,” commented Bishop Stacy F. Sauls, Episcopal Church Chief Operating Officer. “I have no doubt that he will help us be the good and faithful partners that we want to be with our sister Anglican churches in Africa.” 

Canadian and African Bishops in Dialogue receives financial support from The Episcopal Church, and on occasion has included bishops from The Episcopal Church.  It has held meetings in London, Dar es Salaam, Toronto, and Capetown, and will meet again this year in Coventry.

“Our church welcomes this opportunity to share the benefits of Canon Kawuki Mukasa’s experience as a bridge-builder between African and North American Anglicans,” said  Archdeacon Michael Thompson, General Secretary of the Anglican Church of Canada.
“We are delighted that his wisdom and insight can serve the wider church.” Bishop Sauls added, “This cooperation builds on the efforts of the leadership of both churches to build relationships here in North America.”

Mukasa will provide advice and counsel about the Anglican Communion provinces and churches in Africa. He will serve in an ambassadorial role on behalf of The Episcopal Church in addition to continuing his work in the Canadian Church. He will work to promote and strengthen relationships with Anglican partners across sub-Saharan Africa.

Mukasa was ordained in the Church of Uganda in 1984. He served in Uganda and Zimbabwe before settling in Canada with his family. He has served as a parish priest and college professor and has worked at the General Synod office of the Anglican Church of Canada since 2008, in the Faith, Worship and Ministry Department. Mukasa holds a B.A. (Makerere University), M.Div. (Nairobi School of Theology), M.A. (University of Zimbabwe) and Ph.D. (St. Michael's College, University of Toronto).

In The Episcopal Church, Mukasa will work closely with the Rev. Ranjit K. Mathews, Officer for Global Relations and Networking. Mukasa and Mathews will work jointly to promote The Episcopal Church’s mission engagement in Africa, with a focus on global partnerships in sub-Saharan Africa. They have already traveled to Africa promoting relationships and mission, both separately and together.

Additionally, Mathews is responsible for promoting new partnerships and supporting existing partnerships in Africa.  He also provides pastoral support and acts as a liaison to partner dioceses and provinces to develop new mission opportunities. As a Young Adult Service Corps (YASC) alumnus, Mathews supports this program with a specific focus on YASC placements in Africa.

Mukasa’s office is located at the Anglican Church of Canada offices in Toronto. He can be contacted at

Mathews can be contacted at




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Categories: Public Affairs