Public Affairs

Mission Centered Episcopalians Networking for Ministry: a website for sharing, connecting, discussion

The mission and ministry focus of Episcopalians throughout the church is varied, focused and Christ-like. Feeding the hungry, clothing the poor, making disciples, protecting the environment and advocating for those whose voice is often overlooked occurs in all corners of The Episcopal Church. A website created to enable networks across the Church engaged in mission has been launched: Mission Centered Episcopalians Networking for Ministry, here

Developed through a collaborative effort among the Missionary Society, its networks and those doing mission at the local level of The Episcopal Church, the site brings those engaged in mission and those engaged in advocacy together to connect, chat and share resources and discuss ideas. 

“Mission Centered will connect the many and varied associations across the Church without replacing any existing online networking,” noted the Rev. Mark Stevenson, Domestic Poverty Missioner. “In fact, this initiative is driven and populated by such networking. It will serve as a place of gathering and telling stories, inquiring after and sharing resources, and providing inspiration and an opportunity to be inspired. Mission Centered is to be a “community watering hole” of sorts, at which we may all gather to be empowered for mission.”

Alex Baumgarten, director of the Episcopal Church Department of Public Engagement and Mission Communication, said: “Mission Centered is a reminder that the Church exists first and foremost for the sake of God’s mission in the world, and that the Church lives out mission in a variety of local contexts ‘as it prays and worships, proclaims the Gospel, and promotes justice, peace and love’ (BCP Catechism).   I pray that the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society’s role of equipping, resourcing, and connecting mission work at a local level might find new levels of creativity and accessibility through Mission Centered.”

Among the networks currently connected through the Mission Centered Episcopalians website are here and include AFRECS; Episcopal Communicators; Jubilee Ministries; Episcopal Public Policy Network; Mark 4 and 5 Fellowships; Immigration Advocacy Network; Global Episcopal Mission Network; Episcopal Community Services in America; and Global Episcopal Mission Network.  Additional networks will be added as this area grows.

Categories: Public Affairs