Messages to Fort Worth

Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori and House of Deputies President Bonnie Anderson sent messages to the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth on the historic ordination of Susan Slaughter.


From Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori:

November 12, 2009


To the faithful gathered for the ordination of Susan Slaughter:

I give thanks to God for this sign of resurrection in the Diocese of Fort Worth. Many thought this day would never arrive, but you have all been faithful, hopeful, and highly persistent – not unlike the importunate widow. May the Rev. Slaughter be a living witness to the ministry of such seekers after justice, and may the widow”s gifts spread abroad throughout the Diocese of Fort Worth. There are many of the least of these who are in abundant need of those gifts.

Susan, may you bear lightly the symbol you become, knowing that it is Christ within you who bears all such burdens. May his light shine through you, and may those whom you help to gather around his table become his light-bearers as well.

With abundant gratitude for all the people of Fort Worth, I remain


Your servant in Christ,


Katharine Jefferts Schori

Presiding Bishop

The Episcopal Church


From President Anderson:

To: The faithful, hopeful and persevering people of the

Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth

The Rt. Rev. Ted Gulick, Jr.

St. Luke”s in the Meadow Episcopal Church

The Rev. Susan Slaughter


Today certainly makes the case for hope. Today is the day that many people have hoped for, prayed for, worked for, cried over, and lost sleep over. Today is the day when we see hope realized in God”s time.

Today is the day that we will conjure up in our mind”s eye when we are looking for reason to keep pressing on.

Today is the day we will recall when we seek inspiration and courage during difficult times.

After thirty-three years of struggle and prayer, confusion and angst, here we are, the Holy people of God, gathered together in the midst of Holy worship on Holy ground to give thanks to our beloved God who did not leave us alone.

The Episcopal Church is truly blessed by the commitment of the lay people, bishop and clergy of this diocese. You show us how God is working through all the baptized. You are an example of deep faithfulness.


Giving of gifts:

In the House of Deputies at the 76th General Convention in Anaheim in 2009, small wooden crosses were given to all the deputies, made by an artist from Eastern Oregon. Near the close of convention, the Diocese of Eastern Oregon presented me with a larger wooden cross made by the same artist. In their presentation they asked me to keep the cross until I felt the appropriate time to pass it on. Today is the time.

Susan and the Sr. Warden: This cross is passed to you and the people of St. Luke”s in the Meadow. Please know it comes to you in peace and thanksgiving for your courage and your ministry. When you feel it is the appropriate time to pass it on, please do.

Bishop Gulick and Chair of the Standing Committee::

To the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth I present the official seal of the General Convention, inscribed from the House of Deputies. You are valued and beloved by the Episcopal Church as we all are one in the Body of Christ.




Bonnie Anderson, D.D.

President, The House of Deputies


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The Episcopal Church welcomes all who worship Jesus Christ in 110 dioceses and two regional areas in 16 nations. The Episcopal Church is a member province of the worldwide Anglican Communion.


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