Media Hub brings Episcopal Church General Convention to all people in all places

As bishops and deputies prepare to gather for the 78th General Convention of The Episcopal Church, the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society has launched an online Media Hub to make the Convention’s business accessible remotely at no fee. The Media Hub is available here 

“While most Episcopalians will not be able to be present in Salt Lake City as the General Convention meets, the Media Hub will allow all people to follow the Convention’s proceedings,” said Alex Baumgarten, Director of Public Engagement and Mission Communication for the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society.   “The Media Hub is one of many ways in which the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society, the only churchwide organization to include all Episcopalians as members, works to bring the Convention’s business to those who otherwise could not be present.”

The 78th General Convention will be held June 25 – July 3 at the Salt Palace Convention Center in Salt Lake City, UT (Diocese of Utah). The General Convention is held every three years, and is the bicameral governing body of The Episcopal Church. It comprises the House of Bishops, with upwards of 200 active and retired bishops, and the House of Deputies, with clergy and lay deputies elected from the 108 dioceses and three regional areas of the Church, at more than 800 members.

Mike Collins, Manager of Multimedia Services for the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society, explained that the Media Hub will feature three media players, one for each House and a special one for videos featuring local and churchwide mission.

The Media Hub offerings are vast and provide avenues for following all the action:


Live streaming of the sessions from the House of Bishops and the House of Deputies

Live streaming of the daily worship

A comprehensive listing of daily events

Videos featuring mission and ministry of The Episcopal Church

Daily media briefings

The twitter feed #GC78

Episcopal News Service headlines

Link to legislative tracker 

The Report To The Church 2015

Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society Resources for all Episcopalians
Links to Convention-related websites


The Media Hub is mobile-friendly for Android or Apple.






The Episcopal Church:

Media Hub:


Twitter: #GC78