Media Advisory: Sudan Ecumenical Church Leaders Delegation Will address media following United Nations meeting

An Ecumenical group of religious leaders from the Sudan will meet with United Nations Secretary General Ban ki-Moon on Monday, October 11. Following the meeting, the group will speak with the media on Sudan and the upcoming referendum.

Sudan, and the region of Darfur within it, have suffered years of civil war and genocide. An important referendum on the future of Sudan and on self-determination for the people there is scheduled for January 2011. But there is no guarantee that this referendum will occur peacefully. In fact, there is every indication that violence and perhaps civil war will break out again following the referendum, no matter what the outcome.

WHEN: Monday, October 11, 5 pm

WHERE: UN Church Center Chapel, 777 UN Plaza (First Ave. and 44th St.) NYC

WHO: The Sudan Ecumenical Church Leaders Delegation:

· The Most Rev. Daniel Deng Bul

Archbishop of The Episcopal Church of Sudan and Bishop of Juba (Anglican)
· Bishop Daniel Adwok Marko Kur
Auxiliary Bishop of Khartoum (Roman Catholic)
· Bishop Paride Taban
Bishop Emeritus of Torit (Roman Catholic)
· The Rev. Ramadan Chan
General Secretary, Sudan Council of Churches
· The Rev. Dr. Sam Kobia
Ecumenical Special Envoy to Sudan
· Mr. John Ashworth
Sudan Advisor, Catholic Relief Services and Sudan Ecumenical Forum


Contact Neva Rae Fox, Office of Public Affairs, The Episcopal Church,; 212-716-6080

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