Public Affairs

MEDIA ADVISORY: Media credentials available for 80th General Convention

Professional journalists who wish to apply for a very limited number of in-person media credentials for the 80th General Convention of The Episcopal Church—July 8-11 in Baltimore—must do so by June 27.

Those wishing to cover General Convention remotely may register for online credentials and will have virtual access to all legislative sessions, worship services, and media briefings through a conference-hosting platform. The deadline for online credential registration is July 1.

Please apply for your desired type of credentials using this form.

Journalists who are granted in-person media credentials must abide by all General Convention health and safety protocols, including providing proof of vaccination and booster against COVID-19; wearing N95, KN95, KF94, or medical procedure masks indoors at all times; and administering rapid tests before arrival and daily at convention.

Approved in-person applicants will receive an email to start the verification process for vaccinations and boosters. Vaccine verification must be completed by July 1; boosters must be obtained at least two weeks prior to the start of convention.

In-person media credentials provide access to designated media areas in the House of Bishops and House of Deputies during legislative sessions, as well as access to media briefings and spaces designated for media to work.

About General Convention
The Episcopal Church’s General Convention is held every three years to consider the legislative business of the church. General Convention is the bicameral governing body of the church, composed of the House of Bishops, with more than 200 active and retired bishops; and the House of Deputies, with clergy and lay deputies elected from the 109 dioceses and three regional areas of the church, at more than 800 members. Between conventions, the General Convention continues to work through its committees and commissions. The Executive Council of the Episcopal Church carries out the programs and policies adopted by General Convention.

Originally scheduled for July 2021, the 80th General Convention was postponed a year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. On June 7, in response to continuing concerns about COVID-19, the Executive Council approved a request from the presiding bishop and president of the House of Deputies to shorten the length of the convention from eight days to four, July 8-11.

Attendance at the convention is limited to bishops, deputies, essential staff and volunteers, and limited media.

A legislative calendar detailing which resolutions will come before the houses for discussion and/or vote is forthcoming. Legislative committee online meetings—open to the public—are scheduled throughout June.

Other resources:

For more information contact Lisa Webb, associate officer for public affairs.