Public Affairs

Media advisory: May 23 webinar to review Episcopal Church General Convention 2018 for media, writers, bloggers, videographers

A May 23 webinar will review the 79th General Convention of the Episcopal Church for members of the media: writers, print/electronic reporters, bloggers, videographers, photographers, and anyone who will be covering/reporting on the event.

The 79th General Convention of the Episcopal Church will be held Thursday, July 5 to Friday, July 13, 2018 at The Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas (Diocese of Texas).

Among the topics to be reviewed are daily schedule, location, credentials, social media, media briefings, daily newscast, Media Hub, and more.

The webinar will be facilitated by Neva Rae Fox, Public Affairs Officer of the Episcopal Church. Presenters include Michael Collins, Manager of Multimedia; Barry Merer, Manager of Web Services; Jeremy Tackett, Digital Evangelist.

The one-hour webinar will begin at 4 pm Eastern/3 pm Central/2 pm Mountain/1 pm Pacific/noon Alaska/11 am Hawaii.

To register, send the email addresses of those interested in participating to  Webinar information will be issued to participants.

Media Credentials

Applications for credentials for media representatives planning to cover the General Convention 2018 of the Episcopal Church are available here.

Media kit is here.

Media policies and procedures for General Convention 2018 are here.

Three types of media credentials are available:

  • Onsite, for those who will be attending;
  • Offsite, designed to provide virtual access to media representatives unable to attend General Convention 2018;
  • A combination of Onsite and Offsite for those who are able to attend for a defined time.

General Convention

The Episcopal Church’s General Convention is held every three years to consider the legislative business of the church.  General Convention is the bicameral governing body of the Church, comprised of the House of Bishops, with upwards of 200 active and retired bishops, and the House of Deputies, with clergy and lay deputies elected from the 109 dioceses and three regional areas of the Church, at more than 800 members. Between Conventions, the General Convention continues to work through its committees and commissions.  The Executive Council of the Episcopal Church carries out the programs and policies adopted by General Convention.

During its triennial meeting, deputies and bishops consider a wide range of important matters facing the Church. Among the actions of the 2018 General Convention will be a review and approval of the church’s triennial budget.

Credentials will be available beginning at noon on Tuesday, July 3 in the Austin Convention Center.

For more information contact Neva Rae Fox, Episcopal Church Public Affairs Officer,, 212-716-6080.

