Public Affairs

Media Advisory: Episcopal Church Executive Council to meet in Maryland January 27-29

The Executive Council of the Episcopal Church will meet January 27-29 at the Conference Center at the Maritime Institute in Linthicum Heights, MD (Diocese of Maryland). Media representatives wishing to attend the meeting must secure credentials. Contact Neva Rae Fox, Public Affairs Officer, at

A media conference with phone access for media not able to attend is planned for end of business on Sunday, January 29, the last day of the Executive Council meeting; exact Eastern time TBD. Pre-registration for media is required; contact Fox at


Executive Council

According to the website: “The Executive Council of the Episcopal Church is an elected body representing the whole Church…The Executive Council has the duty to carry out programs and policies adopted by General Convention. It is the job of Executive Council to oversee the ministry and mission of the Church. The Executive Council is comprised of twenty members elected by General Convention (four bishops, four priests or deacons and twelve laypersons) and eighteen members elected by provincial synods.”  



Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori chairs Executive Council; President of the House of Deputies Bonnie Anderson is vice –chair; the Rev. Canon Dr. Gregory Straub is secretary.


Members and their dioceses are:

Bishop David Alvarez, Puerto Rico; the Rev. Canon Timothy Anderson, Nebraska; Hisako Beasley, Olympia; Sarah Dylan Breuer, Massachusetts; Bishop J. Jon Bruno, Los Angeles; Stephanie Cheney, West Tennessee; the Rev. Brian Cole, Western North Carolina; Jane Cosby, Pennsylvania; the Rev. Dr. Lee Crawford, Vermont; Blanca Echeverry, Colombia; the Rev. Floyd Gamarra,  Los Angeles; Martha Gardner, Newark; E. Bruce Garner, Atlanta; Dr. Anita George, Mississippi; Bishop Wendell Gibbs, Michigan; Dr. Delbert Glover, Western Massachusetts; the Ven. Joyce Hardy, Arkansas; Canon Bettye Jo Harris, Hawaii; the Rev. Canon Mark Harris, Delaware; Angela Helt, Oklahoma; Bishop Mark Hollingsworth, Ohio; Stephen Hutchinson, Utah; the Rev. Gay Clark Jennings, Ohio; Bryan Krislock, Olympia; Lelanda Lee, Colorado; the Rev. Cristobal Leon Lozano, Litoral Ecuador; Vycke McEwen, Oklahoma; Francisco Quinones, Puerto Rico; the Rev. Silvestre Romero, El Camino Real; Katie Sherrod, Fort Worth; Canon Rosalie Simmonds Ballentine, Virgin Islands; the Rev. Dr. James Simons, Pittsburgh; the Rev. Deacon Terry L. Star, North Dakota; Deborah Stokes, Southern Ohio; Fredrica Harris Thompsett, Massachusetts; the Rev. Winnie Varghese, New York; Anne Watkins, Connecticut; the Rev. Canon Sandye Wilson, Newark.



The Episcopal Church:

Executive Council:

Episcopal Diocese of Maryland:

Conference Center at the Maritime Institute:

Categories: Public Affairs