Media Advisory: Episcopal Church Executive Council to meet in Chicago October 15-17

The Executive Council of The Episcopal Church will meet October 15-17 in Chicago, IL, at the Churchwide Offices of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Media representatives wishing to attend the meeting should contact Neva Rae Fox, Public Affairs Officer, at

A media conference with phone access for media not able to attend is planned for October 17. Exact Central time TBD.  Pre-registration for media is required; contact Fox at

Executive Council

According to the website: “The Executive Council of the Episcopal Church is an elected body representing the whole Church…The Executive Council has the duty to carry out programs and policies adopted by General Convention. It is the job of Executive Council to oversee the ministry and mission of the Church. The Executive Council is comprised of twenty members elected by General Convention (four bishops, four priests or deacons and twelve laypersons) and eighteen members (one clergy, one lay) elected by provincial synods.


Executive Council:  

Roster of members:


Categories: Public Affairs