The Office of Public Affairs

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May – August 2015 consecrations, elections and consents in The Episcopal Church

April 30, 2015
Office of Public Affairs

In the next four months – May 1 to August 31 – The Episcopal Church will witness the consecrations of two bishops, the elections of two bishops, and the consent processes underway for three.


Two consecrations of two bishops are slated for May – August.

May 9: Diocese of Southeast Florida – the Very Rev. Peter Eaton elected bishop coadjutor on January 31

July 25: Diocese of Central Gulf Coast – the Rev. James “Russell” Kendrick, elected bishop on February 21 (pending successful completion of the consent process).


During May – August, two elections for bishops are scheduled:

May 16: Diocese of Dallas

July 25: Diocese of Dominican Republic

Canonical Consent Process

Currently there are three canonical consent processes underway for May – August.

June 17 deadline: The Very Rev. Peter Eaton, elected January 31 as bishop coadjutor of Southeast Florida (although there has been a successful completion of the consent process, consents continue to be received up to the deadline date).

August 7 deadline: The Rev. James “Russell” Kendrick, elected February 21 as bishop of Central Gulf Coast.

August 6 deadline:  The Rev. Canon Audrey Scanlan, elected March 14 as bishop of Central Pennsylvania