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Location, Planning Team Named for 2020 Episcopal Youth Event

May 20, 2019
Office of Public Affairs

The Department of Faith Formation today announced that the 2020 Episcopal Youth Event (EYE20) will be held in partnership with the Washington National Cathedral and the Episcopal Diocese of Washington on the campus of Howard University July 7-11, 2020.

“Howard University was chosen as the site for EYE20 after a thorough application and discernment process,” said Wendy Johnson, event coordinator for EYE20. “We are grateful for every diocese, staff and bishop who worked with us over the past year and look forward to working on EYE20 with Howard University, the Diocese of Washington and the Washington National Cathedral.”

“We in the Diocese of Washington are honored to partner in welcoming the 2020 Episcopal Youth Event to Washington, D.C., and pray that all involved in the planning process feel the Holy Spirit’s power guiding them every step of the way,” said the Right Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde, bishop diocesan. “We’re grateful to be the site where hundreds of young people will gather to draw closer to Jesus and follow in His way of love.”

“What a joy it will be to welcome these young people to Washington D.C.,” said the Very Rev. Randolph Marshall Hollerith, Dean of Washington National Cathedral. “We are excited to help host this event and so grateful to be working with Howard University.”

Registration for EYE20 is coordinated through diocesan registrars who will be appointed by the diocesan bishop in the fall. Instructions for discerning a diocesan delegation will be sent directly to registrars.

EYE20 Planning Team Named

Every Episcopal Youth Event is planned and implemented by volunteer youth and adult mentors who are selected through an application and discernment process.

“The Episcopal Youth Event is unique in the life of the church in that it is planned by a Team populated by and for Episcopal youth,” said Bronwyn Clark Skov, director of the Department of Faith Formation and officer for youth ministries. “We look forward to working with this new team to plan an event that is contextualized to both the era in which we are living and the location in Washington D.C.”

The following youth applicants have accepted an invitation to serve on the EYE20 Planning Team:

  • Jackson Humphreys, Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, Province I
  • Caitlin Mahoney, Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe, Province II
  • Adajah D. Joseph, Episcopal Diocese of Long Island, Province II
  • Yifan Wang, Episcopal Diocese of Long Island, Province II
  • Charlie Kirk, Episcopal Diocese of East Tennessee, Province IV
  • Owen Snape, Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta, Province IV
  • Robert Sanchez, Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis, Province V
  • Kayla Byrd, Episcopal Diocese of Michigan, Province V
  • Trueli Thor, Episcopal Church in Minnesota, Province VI
  • Solveigh Barney, Episcopal Diocese of North Dakota, Province VI
  • Arty Langford, Episcopal Diocese of Wyoming, Province VI
  • Caleb Carnes, Episcopal Diocese of Texas, Province VII
  • Cole Hadden, Episcopal Diocese of Arkansas, Province VII
  • Emily Lawitz, Episcopal Diocese of West Texas, Province VII
  • Holly Quinonez Wrampelmeier, Episcopal Diocese of Northwest Texas, Province VII
  • Giovanna Zampa, Episcopal Diocese of Northern California, Province VIII

Youth Planning Team member from Province IX will be discerned this summer following Evento de Jóvenes Episcopales.

The following adult mentor applicants have accepted an invitation to serve on the EYE20 Planning Team:

  • Nikia Alleyne, Episcopal Diocese of Long Island
  • Margaret Foote, Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio
  • Israel Alexander Portilla Gomez, Episcopal Diocese of Colombia
  • Christoph Herpel, Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe
  • Patrick Kangrga, Episcopal Diocese of California
  • Michele Morgan, Episcopal Diocese of Washington
  • Marcia Quintanilla, Episcopal Diocese of Texas
  • Karen Schlabach, Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
  • Joshawa Trader, Episcopal Diocese of West Missouri

The following are serving in specialized roles on the Planning Team:

  • Julia Domenick, Episcopal Church in Minnesota, is serving as the medical team coordinator.
  • Abigail White Moon, Episcopal Diocese of Florida, is serving as the planning team chaplain.
  • Rich Clark, Episcopal Diocese of Southwest Florida, Pastoral Care Team coordinator.
  • Lauren Wainwright, Episcopal Diocese of Dallas, Pastoral Care Team coordinator.
  • Mildred Reyes, who serves as the missioner for formation for the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, is the liaison between the EYE20 Planning Team and the Diocese.

The application for young adults interested in serving on the Pastoral Care Team will be available in June. Discernment and decisions for the Team will happen in the fall.

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