Public Affairs

Kisare named Legislative Representative for International Affairs for Episcopal, Lutheran Churches

Bishop Stacy F. Sauls, Chief Operating Officer of The Episcopal Church, has announced that Patricia O. Kisare has been named Legislative Representative for International Affairs for both The Episcopal Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).

“We welcome Patricia to this position and also rejoice in our deepening partnership with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America,” Bishop Sauls stated.  “Both will further God’s mission in the world.”

As Legislative Representative for International Affairs, Kisare will serve jointly on the staffs of both The Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations and the ELCA Washington Office, and will be responsible for the federal legislative and policy advocacy of both churches on U.S. foreign policy and international issues, representing the shared positions of the churches to Congress and the Administration; conducting legislative research and analysis; producing legislative correspondence and communications; and building and leading advocacy coalitions.

“With the appointment of Patricia Kisare to jointly serve the advocacy offices of the Missionary Society of The Episcopal Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, we are continuing with an important ecumenical milestone in the life of full communion between the two churches,” noted Alexander D. Baumgarten, Episcopal Church Director of Justice and Advocacy Ministries. “Patricia is the second professional to hold this post, and our joint decision to continue in this manner is a testament to the gifts we believe each Church has received from the other in expanding and strengthening our witness in Washington.” 

“Not only is the ELCA delighted that Patricia Kisare brings to the position an experience and expertise that will undoubtedly contribute to our ministry of advocacy, but her appointment further demonstrates the shared commitment both denominations have for living out our full-communion partnership in ever more concrete ways,” said Stacy Martin, Director of Advocacy for the ELCA. “Patricia’s presence helps to ensure that the mainline Christian voice is one that strives for further coordination and, as such, greater impact.”

Kisare’s position within the Missionary Society is as a member of the churchwide Justice and Advocacy Ministries staff.  She is based in Washington, DC.

She boasts important experience in the legislative field. Most recently served as the Legislative Associate for International Affairs for the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC), Washington, DC. Previously she was a Research Assistant for the U.N International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (UNICTR) in Arusha, Tanzania. 

She holds a Master of International Affairs from The Pennsylvania State University and a Bachelor of Arts in International Studies from Millersville University, Millersville, PA

Kisare began her new position in October. She can be reached at




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