Public Affairs

Kelly named Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society Acting Missioner for Campus and Young Adult Ministries

Bishop Stacy F. Sauls, Chief Operating Officer of The Episcopal Church, has announced that the Rev. Shannon Kelly has been named Acting Missioner for Campus and Young Adult Ministries for the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society.

“Shannon’s gifts have assisted many programs on all levels of The Episcopal Church, and we are glad she is joining our churchwide staff,” Bishop Sauls stated.  “Shannon is creative, innovative and spirit-filled and we look forward to her work in these crucial areas, especially as we lead up to General Convention 2015.”

As Acting Missioner for Campus and Young Adult Ministries, Kelly will oversee the mission work of campus ministries and young adults, as well as support other areas of formation ministries, such as events and curriculum development for all ages and grant work.

Kelly has served congregations in the Dioceses of California, Los Angeles, Milwaukee, New York and Wisconsin, focusing on formation and children’s/youth ministries. She was the Assistant to the Bishop for Christian Formation in the Diocese of Milwaukee which included a campus ministry post. In addition, she serves as the Associate for Curriculum Development for Living Compass Ministries and has served as a mission consultant to the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society, Episcopal Relief & Development, ChurchNext, and Forward Movement. She was a member of the Episcopal Youth Event Mission Planning Team for both the 2011 and 2014 events and was the chaplain to the 2012 General Convention Official Youth Presence.  She wrote and edited God of My Heart 

Kelly’s office is based in Columbus, OH (Diocese of Southern Ohio). She can be reached at The Rev. Shannon Kelly.

The position of Acting Missioner for Campus and Young Adult Ministries is in effect through General Convention 2015. 





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Categories: Public Affairs