Public Affairs

Jubilee Ministry grants awarded for Episcopal Church programs and mission work

Eleven Episcopal Church Jubilee Grants totaling $50,000 have been announced to support mission and ministry in 11 dioceses.

Jubilee Ministries are congregations or agencies with connections to the Episcopal Church, designated by diocesan bishops and affirmed by Executive Council, whose mission work affect the lives of those in need, addressing basic human needs and justice issues.

Grants were awarded in two categories:  Program Impact and Program Development.

Ten Program Impact Grants at $1,500 each were awarded to initiatives of Jubilee Centers that make a positive and measurable impact in the lives of those in need.

  • Diocese of Alabama: Banks Caddell Partnership – Elementary School Homework Program and Backpack for Food Program
  • Diocese of Arizona: Good Shepherd of the Hills – Neighborhood Tutoring Program
  • Diocese of Colombia: Youth Leadership Development – cultivating leadership among youth through spiritual development and socio-economic, legal and cultural education
  • Diocese of Colorado: Evergreen Christian Outreach – job skills training
  • Diocese of Haiti: Haiti Program Development – educational assistance for children
  • Diocese of Iowa: Jubilee Community Center, Muscatine, IA – ministry to families with special needs children
  • Diocese of New Jersey: Trinity School for Arts – ministry to at-risk youth through music education
  • Diocese of Newark:  All Saints Community Service and Development – “Fresh and Fit,” a health education, healthy meals, and fitness project
  • Diocese of Northern Michigan: Camp New Day – ministering to youth ages nine to 14 whose lives have been disrupted by the incarceration of a parent or immediate family member
  • Diocese of Southwest Florida:  Cornerstone Kids – empowering “Teens in Action” to assist in the educational, spiritual and emotional development of neighborhood at-risk five to 11 year olds

One Program Development Grant for $35,000 was awarded to a Jubilee ministry that has demonstrated a new or re-visioned strategy and methodology to make an impact both locally and beyond itself.

  • Diocese of Kansas: St. Paul’s, Kansas City – “Youth in Transition,” providing a meaningful learning and life skills environment for urban poor and underserved youth in transition.

“The Youth in Transition program was developed in consultation with members of the community that will benefit greatly from the work,” commented Episcopal Church Domestic Poverty Missioner the Rev. Canon Mark Stevenson. “The program utilizes the treasures (skills) of the worshiping community, has partnerships outside of the church itself, and has a strong educational component – a component that once fully developed can be replicated in or shared with other communities.”

A five- member committee with representatives from throughout the church reviewed 114 applications for grants.

The next Jubilee granting cycle and procedure will be announced in fall 2014.

For more information, contact Stevenson.






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Categories: Public Affairs