Public Affairs

Joint Nominating Committee elects new co-chair

The Episcopal Church Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop (JNCPB) announces a change in leadership with the resignation of Bishop Tom Shaw as co-chair and the election of Bishop Ed Konieczny to that post.

Recently JNCPB Co-chair Sally Johnson of the Diocese of Minnesota contacted the 29-member committee, noting, “It is with sadness that I read an email from Tom Shaw on Wednesday resigning as Co-Chair of the Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop as a result of his need to focus on his continued treatment.”  Bishop Shaw, of the Diocese of Massachusetts, was diagnosed with a brain tumor last spring and has been receiving treatment following surgery in May. He will remain on the committee.

Following the protocol of other Episcopal Church Commissions, Committees, Agencies and Boards (CCABs), the Rev. Canon Michael Barlowe, Executive Officer of the General Convention, contacted committee members with the invitation to submit nominations for a new co-chair. 

On Tuesday, September 17, Bishop Konieczny, of the Diocese of Oklahoma, was elected to serve as co-chair. He joins co-chair Johnson, and committee secretary, the Rev. Ruth Lawson Kirk of the Diocese of Virginia, on the executive leadership team of the committee. 

Following his election, Bishop Konieczny thanked the committee for its support noting that he would continue to seek Bishop Shaw's counsel as he moves into the role of co-chair.  In an e-mail to the committee, Bishop Konieczny wrote, "We have a strong committee, doing great work, and this change in leadership should not be disruptive. I look forward to working with all of you and completing our task in providing the church with the best possible nominees as our next Presiding Bishop."

The JNCPB is comprised of a lay member, a priest, and a bishop elected from each of the nine provinces of the Episcopal Church, plus two youth representatives, appointed by the President of the House of Deputies, the Rev. Gay Jennings. The General Convention Deputies and bishops serve a three-year term to conclude with the election of the next Presiding Bishop at General Convention 2015 in Salt Lake City.

Following the election of the 27th Presiding Bishop in July 2015, the Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori’s nine-year term as Presiding Bishop concludes November 1, according to the canons.

The committee released a survey inviting broad-based feedback on the desired qualities and gifts of the next Presiding Bishop. The survey is available here and remains open through September 20.

The members are listed here:

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Categories: Public Affairs