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Joint Nominating Committee chairs offer update

January 21, 2014
Office of Public Affairs

The co-chairs of The Episcopal Church Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop (JNCPB) have issued an update on the group’s work and progress.

The JNCPB Committee continues to meet in sub-groups as we focus on the work of preparing for the nomination of the next Presiding Bishop. The committee members are faithfully focused on the charge given them to establish the nomination process for Presiding Bishop leading up to General Convention 2015 in Salt Lake City.  Further updates, including timelines and facilitation of the process, will be announced prior to Ash Wednesday.

JNCPB also wishes to thank all who completed the survey issued by the committee which invited broad-based feedback on the desired qualities and gifts of the next Presiding Bishop. The data collected has provided the committee with an overview and understanding of the wishes of the Church.

We ask that you continue to keep JNCPB in your prayers as we continue our important discernment.


Sally Johnson, Diocese of Minnesota

Bishop Ed Konieczny., Diocese of Oklahoma


The JNCPB is comprised of a lay member, a priest or deacon, and a bishop elected from each of the nine provinces of the Episcopal Church, plus two youth representatives, appointed by the President of the House of Deputies, the Rev. Gay Jennings. The General Convention Deputies and bishops serve a three-year term to conclude with the election of the next Presiding Bishop at General Convention 2015 in Salt Lake City.

Following the election of the 27th Presiding Bishop in July 2015, the Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori’s nine-year term as Presiding Bishop concludes November 1, according to the canons.

The members are listed here


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