Public Affairs

JNCPB writes following final discernment meeting

The Episcopal Church Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop (JNCPB) has released a statement following its final discernment meeting.

The Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop (JNCPB) concluded its discernment process at a two-day meeting in Fort Worth, TX, April 19 and 20.  The nominees will be announced on May 1 on the General Convention website and via press release and social media.

JNCPB co-chairs, Bishop Ed Konieczny, Diocese of Oklahoma, and Sally Johnson, Esq., Diocese of Minnesota, commented, “In the process of discernment, we developed a great sense of community. We came together to work prayerfully around the task in the context of worship and fellowship. We are very pleased with the work of the Committee and would look forward to serving with any one of nominees.”

The process for nominations from the floor by bishops and deputies will be forthcoming shortly. The JNCPB will release names of any additional nominees, if any, in early June.

After nearly two years of conducting its work electronically, JNCPB met in person three times in the last four months to discern the list of nominees. More than 165 people representing over 60 dioceses submitted names during the nomination period last fall.  Video conferencing and face-to-face interviews afforded the opportunity for JNCPB to get to know the candidates.

The JNCPB is composed of a lay member, a priest or deacon, and a bishop elected from each of the nine provinces of the Episcopal Church, plus two youth representatives who were appointed by the President of the House of Deputies, the Rev. Gay Clark Jennings. The General Convention deputies and bishops serve a three-year term to conclude at the close of General Convention 2015 in Salt Lake City, UT (Diocese of Utah).


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Categories: Public Affairs