January – April 2014 consecrations, elections and consents in the Episcopal Church

In the next four months – January 1, 2014 to April 30 – the Episcopal Church will witness the consecration of one bishop, the election of one bishop, and the canonical consent process underway for two bishops-elect.



One consecration of a bishop is slated for January to April. Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori will officiate at the ordination service.  

April 26: Diocese of Fond du Lac consecration: the Rev. Matthew Alan Gunter elected October 19 (pending completion of successful canonical consent process).



During January to April, one bishop election is scheduled:

April 5: Diocese of Massachusetts


Canonical Consent Process

The canonical consent process is currently underway for one bishop-elect. Another will be underway soon. The deadline is:

April 1: the Rev. Matthew Alan Gunter, elected bishop of the Diocese of Fond du Lac on October 19.

Date to be determined: The Rev. Allen Shin, elected bishop suffragan of the Diocese of New York on December 7




The Episcopal Church: www.episcopalchurch.org

Diocese of Fond du Lac: http://www.episcopalfonddulac.org/

Diocese of Massachusetts: http://www.diomass.org/

Diocese of New York: www.dioceseny.org


Categories: Public Affairs