Public Affairs

Installation of the 27th Presiding Bishop – Details and info: 10-31 UBE event; 11-1 Installation; live webcasts; materials available; media credentials

The following provides details and information for the two events of the Installation of the next Presiding Bishop and Primate of The Episcopal Church, Bishop Michael Bruce Curry.

The Rt. Rev. Michael Bruce Curry, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina, was elected and confirmed to be the next Presiding Bishop and Primate of The Episcopal Church at the 78th General Convention on June 27. According to the Canons of The Episcopal Church, he becomes Presiding Bishop and Primate on November 1. Bishop Curry is the first African-American to be elected Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church.  Bishop Curry will be the 27th Presiding Bishop, the Primate, and the Chief Pastor of The Episcopal Church. He will also serve as President and Chief Executive Officer of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society and chair of the Executive Council of The Episcopal Church.

Saturday, October 31

All are invited to join a Vigil Celebration and Eucharist, sponsored by the Union of Black Episcopalians (UBE) in honor of the 27th Presiding Bishop on Saturday, October 31 at 11 am Eastern at the Armory, 2001 E. Capital St. SE in Washington, DC. 

“The Vigil Celebration is an opportunity for all to be with Bishop Curry and to pray with him,” the Rev. Canon Sandye Wilson, UBE  representative and preacher at the service has stated. “The model is similar to the vigil that Archbishop Justin Welby conducted prior to his installment in Canterbury.”

Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori will preside at the Eucharist and Presiding Bishop-Elect Curry will celebrate.

There is no charge to attend and tickets are not necessary; however registration is requested to provide for ample programs, seats, etc. Ticket applications for the October 31 event are available here

The Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society will sponsor a live webcast of the Vigil Celebration at There is no need to pre-register.

Additional information is available here.

Sunday, November 1

The Holy Eucharist with the Installation of the 27th Presiding Bishop and Primate will occur on Sunday, November 1 at noon Eastern at Washington National Cathedral.

The service will be reflective of the comprehensiveness of the Episcopal tradition and community. Bishop Curry will preach at the service. 

The Holy Eucharist will be live webcast available hereThe live webcast will be closed-captioned for the hearing-impaired. Pre-registration is not required.

The webcast will also be available here 

On demand video of the Eucharist will be available here     

The worship bulletin will be available for downloading beginning October 23 here    .

Episcopal, Anglican, ecumenical, and interreligious guests are expected to join bishops, General Convention deputies, Executive Council members, and other leaders, members and guests of The Episcopal Church for the celebration.

Media Credentials


For the October 31 UBE event, media credential applications are available here.  For more info contact Neva Rae Fox, Episcopal Church Public Affairs Officer,, 212-716-6080.

Requests for media credentials for the November 1 Installation should be submitted to Natalie Butz at or (202) 776-7700. Deadline for credentials is Friday, October 30 at noon Eastern. 

Gathering and watching

Let us know if you are you gathering with others to watch the live webcasts or sponsoring viewing events; contact Neva Rae Fox, Episcopal Church Public Affairs Officer,


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Categories: Michael Curry