Public Affairs

Inside one Episcopal congregation Livestream of Holy Week services Connect worship to homes, offices, communities

Throughout Holy Week, the Office of Communications will go inside one Episcopal congregation to livestream daily services, thereby bringing Holy Week and its reverence to computers, business, and homes for personal meditation and group reflection.

The services will originate from St. Christopher’s Church in Gladwyne, PA (Diocese of Pennsylvania). The Rev. Dr. Hillary D. Raining is rector.

Livestreaming will begin on Wednesday, March 28.  Access to all the Holy Week livestreams is here


The following is the schedule of livestreams.


Wednesday, March 28 at 6:30 pm

Reading of the Gospel of St. Mark


Maundy Thursday, March 29 at 7:30 pm

This is the day that Jesus and his disciples celebrate the Jewish Passover meal, also known as the Last Supper. In St. John’s Gospel, Jesus washes the disciples’ feet, telling them to be servants of others, just as he was their servant.

The service at St. Christopher’s will include the washing of the feet.


Good Friday, March 30 at 7:30 pm

Many churches will reenact the Stations of the Cross, a meditative walk through the last hours of Jesus’ life. At St. Christopher’s, parishioners will take communion from the “reserve sacrament” (meaning the bread and wine which were consecrated on Holy Thursday). This follows the ancient liturgical practice in which the elements are received in silence on this day reflecting the presence of Jesus who is suffering for our sins.


Holy Saturday Liturgy, March 31 at 10 am
The Liturgy for Holy Saturday is a uniquely Anglican observance.  This, the shortest liturgy in the Prayer Book, invites us to experience the day after the Crucifixion in which Jesus was dead, lying in the tomb.  The brevity and silence of this day invites reflection about what the world would be like if God were dead and all hope were lost.  This is the only day when the Eucharist is never celebrated.


Easter Vigil, March 31 at 7:30 pm

This beautiful Liturgy consists of four parts: The Service of Light (kindling of new fire to symbolize the light of Christ returning to the world, lighting the Paschal candle); The Service of Lessons (where we read sacred stories of how God has moved in all of history); Holy Baptism and/or the Renewal of Baptismal Vows; and the Eucharist.

Preacher will be the Rev. Canon Stephanie Spellers, Presiding Bishop’s Canon for Evangelism, Reconciliation and Creation Care.


Easter Morning, April 1 at 10 am

Alleluia! Christ is risen! The Lord is risen indeed! Easter morning is the principal liturgical celebration of the year—it is the day we celebrate the Resurrection of the Son of God from the dead.

A bright and beautiful worship service with brass music.



Resources and additional information that offer further explanations are available here.

Produced by the Episcopal Church Office of Communications, for more information contact Mike Collins, Episcopal Church Manager of Multimedia.