Public Affairs

Information on the election of Episcopal Church House of Deputies President, Vice President

Episcopal Church House of Deputies President Bonnie Anderson has issued a letter in which she details the election of the president and vice president of the House of Deputies.

On May 23, Anderson announced her intention not to run for re-election at the upcoming General Convention.

Anderson’s letter in full follows:


May 24, 2012


Regarding the election of the President and Vice President of the House of Deputies


Dear Friends:


I will serve as the President of the House of Deputies until the adjournment of this 77th General Convention on July 12.

The office of Vice President of the House of Deputies is now vacant. At the organizing session of the House of Deputies on July 5, the House will elect a Vice President to serve at this Convention. Deputy Scott Kirby, Diocese of Eau Claire, has agreed to be nominated to serve as Vice President. Other persons may also be nominated from the floor. If Deputy Kirby is elected, he has indicated that he will not stand for election for any office for the next triennium.

The House will elect a President and Vice President to serve beginning July 12 after the adjournment of this 77th General Convention. Canon I.1.1(b)

To facilitate these elections, I will request Dispatch of Business present the following schedule for special orders of business:


  • On the 4thth legislative day, July 8, nominations from the floor for the office of President of the House of Deputies will be open.


  • On the 5th legislative day, July 9, the House of Deputies will elect the 32nd President of the House of Deputies.


  • On the 6th legislative day, July 10, nominations from the floor for the office of Vice President of the House of Deputies will be open. The Vice President shall be of a different order than the President-elect.


  • On the 7th legislative day, July 11, the House of Deputies will elect the Vice President of the House of Deputies.


The President-elect and Vice President-elect will take office at the adjournment of the regular meeting of the House of Deputies at which they are elected and shall continue in office until the adjournment of the following regular meeting of the General Convention. The President and Vice President are eligible to stand for election for three terms in each office.






Bonnie Anderson, D.D.

President, The House of Deputies







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Categories: House of Deputies