House of Bishops commits to The Haiti Appeal

The House of Bishop of The Episcopal Church, meeting in Phoenix, AZ, approved the following resolution:

Mind of the House Resolution:

Appeal for the Rebuilding of The Episcopal Church of Haiti

Resolved, that the House of Bishops of The Episcopal Church continues to give, work, and pray for the welfare and spiritual needs of the people of Haiti in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake of January, 2010; and be it further

Resolved, that the House of Bishop receives gratefully the draft plans for a $10 million appeal for the initial “Rebuilding of the Diocese of Haiti” (L”Eglise Episcopale d”Haiti) as developed in response to The Episcopal Church”s Executive Council resolution on rebuilding the Diocese of Haiti (February 2010); and be it further

Resolved, that we the bishops of The Episcopal Church commit ourselves to, and call upon our dioceses to participate fully in, the Haiti Appeal initiated by the Executive Council in consultation with L”Eglise Episcopale d”Haiti.

The House of Bishops

The Episcopal Church

Fall Meeting 2010

Phoenix, AZ

Categories: Public Affairs