Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori announced two staff departures of people well-known throughout the church and beyond.
The Rev. Canon Brian J. Grieves, longtime peace and justice officer and current director of the Advocacy Center for the Episcopal Church, and Maureen Shea, director of the Office of Government Relations, will leave their posts after General Convention concludes July, the Presiding Bishop has announced. Shea will retire September 1 and Grieves will depart October 15.
“I am deeply grateful for the long and faithful ministry of these two members of The Episcopal Church staff,” Jefferts Schori said. “Each has been a powerful leader, in working to empower the leadership and ministry of others – the central definition of servant leadership. They will be sorely missed, but we look forward to learning of the next chapter in their respective ministries. Well done, good and faithful servants!”
Grieves joined the Church Center staff in 1988, and has served under three Presiding Bishops. “I’m so grateful for all the opportunities I’ve had to be a part of three administrations,” he said. “They’ve all been different and each has been a privilege. My fondest memories will be of the many people at Church Center and around the Anglican Communion I’ve had the joy to work with. But I knew there would come a time to move on, and so now I look forward to discerning next steps. This summer’s General Convention seems a good marker to lay down this part of my ministry.”
Shea, director of the Office of Government Relations since 2003, commented, “Having come to this position after a long career in Washington, I feel truly blessed to have been able to work for my church on the justice issues about which I care most. Thanks to a superb staff, the support of Brian Grieves and Presiding Bishops Jefferts Schori and Griswold, Episcopalians across the country, and the Bishops Working for a Just World, we have strengthened our voice on issues of both domestic and international peace and justice.”
Chief Operating Officer Linda Watt noted, “In the interest of good stewardship and effective service, we are considering combining the positions of Advocacy Center director and head of the Government Relations Office, locating the person in Washington. As soon as the final decision is made, we will post the position and begin the search process so that this critical ministry will continue to flourish.”
For more information: http://www.episcopalchurch.org/advocacy.htm

Grieves, Shea to leave Episcopal Church posts
by Office of Public Affairs
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