The Office of Public Affairs

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Grant applications now accepted for Episcopal Church innovative leadership development programs

June 16, 2011
Office of Public Affairs

Applications are now accepted for the 2012 Roanridge Grants, awarded annually for new and creative models for leadership development in small communities across the Episcopal Church.

Dioceses, congregations and Episcopal related organizations and institutions are invited to apply for the grants which range from $5000 to $20,000.

“The Roanridge Grants assist new creative ministry approaches in rural settings,” explained the Rev. Bob Honeychurch, Episcopal Church Officer for Congregational Vitality. “The funds will seed new possibilities of ministry.”

For more information, application and instructions in English and Spanish:

Previous recipients are eligible to apply, although Honeychurch added that priority is given to new applications.

The 2012 grants will be announced on November 15.

The Roanridge Trust was established by the Cochel family, who originally gave a working farm in Missouri called Roan ridge to the Episcopal Church. The interest from the sale of the farm generates the grant funds.

For 2011, $129,700 in Roanridge Grants were awarded to seven Episcopal Church agencies actively engaged in transformative work across the church.

For more info on Roanridge Trust:

Questions about the Roanridge Trust and the application process can be addressed to Honeychurch at .

The Episcopal Church welcomes all who worship Jesus Christ in 109 dioceses and three regional areas in 16 nations. The Episcopal Church is a member province of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

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Se aceptan solicitudes de subvención para programas de desarrollo de liderazgo innovador de la Iglesia Episcopal

June 17, 2011

Se aceptan solicitudes para las Subvenciones Roanridge 2012, que se otorgan anualmente a nuevos modelos creadores de desarrollo de liderazgo en pequeñas comunidades a toda la Iglesia Episcopal.

Se invita a diócesis, congregaciones y organizaciones e instituciones relacionadas con la Iglesia Episcopal a que soliciten subvenciones que van de $5, 000 a $20.000.

“Las subvenciones Roanridge ayudan a nuevos creativos enfoques del ministerio en medios rurales”, explicó el reverendo Bob Honeychurch, director Iglesia Episcopal para la Vitalidad de la Congregación. “Los fondos serán semillas de nuevas posibilidades de ministerio”.

Para ulterior información, solicitudes e instrucciones en inglés y español:

Los ganadores anteriores son elegibles de solicitar, a pesar de que Honeychurch agregó que se da prioridad a las nuevas solicitudes.

Las subvenciones del 2012 se anunciarán el 15 de noviembre.

El Fondo Roanridge fue establecido por la familia Cochel, que originalmente donó una granja de Missouri llamada “Roanridge” a la Iglesia Episcopal. El interés de la venta de la granja genera los fondos para las subvenciones.

En el 2011, se otorgaron $129.700 en subvenciones Roanridge a siete agencias de la Iglesia Episcopal que participan activamente en una obra de transformación a través de la iglesia.

Para ulterior información sobre el Fondo Roanridge:

Se pueden hacer preguntas sobre el Fondo Roanridge y sobre el proceso de solicitud a  Honeychurch a .