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General Convention Task Force seeks information on the theologies of money present within the church

April 22, 2020
Office of Public Affairs

All practicing Episcopalians invited to participate in survey; Responses requested by: June 1, 2020

The Task Force on Theology of Money is listening to the theologies of money present within The Episcopal Church as part of the work assigned by the 2018 General Convention. The Task Force seeks to understand how Episcopalians’ Christian faith is expressed in, or is not expressed in, or is held in tension with, individuals’ relationships with money through the short survey linked in English here, in Spanish here, and in French here.

Resolution 2018-A061, Create a Task Force on Theology of Money, mandates that the Task Force:

Be directed to use scripture, approved liturgical resources, other theological texts, and previous actions of General Convention to summarize the ways in which The Episcopal Church understands the theology of money and financial resources in the way we give, invest, and spend

The Task Force will present a written report to the 2021 General Convention and may produce other resources that will be available to The Episcopal Church. The survey responses will greatly help the Task Force in their work.

The Task Force would like to hear from the full breadth of experience and expertise in The Episcopal Church the diverse ways theology of money is formed and articulated.

All voices matter and are important in this process.

Responses are requested by: June 1, 2020

For more information on the General Convention mandate, “2018-A061, Create a Task Force on Theology of Money”, click here.

Task Force members include:

The Rev. Evan Garner, Chair, Episcopal Diocese of Arkansas

The Rt. Rev. Kevin Brown, Vice-Chair, Episcopal Diocese of Delaware

The Rev. Dr. Gawain de Leeuw, Episcopal Diocese of New York

The Rev. Candice Frazer, Episcopal Diocese of Alabama

The Rt. Rev. Gayle Harris, Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts

The Rev. Gia Hayes-Martin, Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio

Mr. W. B. McKeown, Episcopal Diocese of New York

The Rt. Rev. Lawrence Provenzano, Episcopal Diocese of Long Island

The Rt. Rev. Kirk Smith, Episcopal Diocese of Arizona

Dr. Steven Tomlinson, Episcopal Diocese of Texas

Ms. Celeste Ventura, Episcopal Diocese of El Camino Real

Mr. Doug Walker, Episcopal Diocese of Florida

Ms. Erin Weber-Johnson, Episcopal Diocese of Minnesota

Mrs. Pamela Wesley Gomez, Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut

The Rev. Gay Clark Jennings, president, The Episcopal Church House of Deputies, ex officio

The Most Rev. Michael Curry, presiding bishop, The Episcopal Church, ex officio