The Office of Public Affairs

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General Convention seeking volunteers to assist in July

June 13, 2012
Office of Public Affairs

Volunteer opportunities are still available at the Episcopal Church 77th General Convention, July 5 – 12 at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis, IN (Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis).

Patrick Haizel, General Convention volunteer coordinator, said that all are welcomed to help out. “We are still looking for people of all shapes and sizes; skills and talents to volunteer some of their time to assist in the smooth operation of the convention,” he said. “By volunteering, you become a part of the convention, through observation and participation, while learning about the way the church operates from behind the scenes.”

To sign up and select the shifts and areas that suit your schedule and talents, go to .

Haizel added, “If you are a spouse or partner of a deputy or bishop, only working part-time in an exhibit booth or just visiting to see what it’s all about, please consider volunteering as a part of your mission to your church.”


For more info contact Haizel.





General Convention:

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Twitter for General Convention: #GC77

