The Office of Public Affairs

The Public Affairs Office provides statistics, biographies, photos, background information, and other resources to media representatives reporting on the mission and ministries of The Episcopal Church

General Convention 2018 dates announced: July 5 – July 13 in Austin, TX

April 20, 2016
Office of Public Affairs

Following a decision by the Joint Standing Committee on Planning and Arrangements, the General Convention Office has announced the nine legislative dates for the 79h General Convention of The Episcopal Church: Thursday, July 5 to Friday, July 13, 2018.

General Convention 2018 will be held at The Austin Convention Center,  Austin, Texas (Diocese of Texas). 

Over the next years, the General Convention Office will provide information, materials, educational items and other features about the General Convention, the Diocese of Texas, and Austin, TX.

“The Joint Standing Committee on Planning and Arrangements and the General Convention Office are already hard at work to plan and enhance our meeting In Austin for the 79th General Convention,” noted the Rev. Canon Dr. Michael Barlowe, Executive Officer and chair of the committee. “Building upon the successful innovations in Salt Lake City, and guided by the evaluations we received, the Committee is excited about our meeting in 2018.”

The Episcopal Church’s General Convention is held every three years, and is the bicameral governing body of the Church. It is comprised of the House of Bishops, with upwards of 200 active and retired bishops, and the House of Deputies, with clergy and lay deputies elected from the 109 dioceses and three regional areas of the Church, at more than 800 members.

For more information contact the General Convention office at 

Members of the Joint Standing Committee on Planning and Arrangements are here.