The Office of Public Affairs

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From Bishop Dorsey Henderson, President of the Title IV Disciplinary Board of the Episcopal Church

March 19, 2013
Office of Public Affairs


Concerning the Diocese of South Carolina:

  • In the matter concerning the Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina, information is being reviewed by the Title IV Disciplinary Board.  Bishop Dorsey Henderson is President of the Title IV Disciplinary Board.
  • Information was presented from communicants within the Diocese of South Carolina. 
  • The information was not brought forward by the Presiding Bishop’s office, or by the House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church.  Therefore, the matter is not being handled by the Presiding Bishop’s office or anyone in the employ of the Episcopal Church Center. 
  • All information has been presented to the Disciplinary Board under the Episcopal Church Title IV disciplinary canons (laws of the church). 
  • In situations as this, the “church attorney” is an attorney who is retained by the Disciplinary Board to investigate cases brought to the Disciplinary Board. The “church attorney” is not the chancellor to the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church. 
  • As a matter of law and a matter of respect to those involved, the Disciplinary Board operates confidentially and will continue to do so. As such, it would not be appropriate to discuss the details of the case in public. 
  • Bishop Henderson has been in conversation with Bishop Mark Lawrence of the Diocese of South Carolina. 
  • The Disciplinary Board is comprised of Episcopal Church bishops, clergy and laity.