Public Affairs

Episcopal – United Methodist Dialogue committee issues Communique

Following a two-day meeting in April, The Episcopal Church-United Methodist Dialogue Committee issued the following Communique:

April 27, 2016

Episcopalians and United Methodists met in Charlotte, North Carolina, for the third session of their Dialogue on Full Communion (25-27 April 2016). The ten committee members, along with staff from each church, shared in conversation, meals, prayer, and a celebration of the Eucharist. It was a time for building relationships between representatives of two sibling churches that have long desired to grow closer in common witness to the gospel of Christ and in mission for the healing of God’s world.

The dialogue session made substantive progress towards a proposal for full communion between The Episcopal Church and The United Methodist Church. Committee members continued to learn about the history, beliefs, practices, and ways of living as church that are found in each tradition. Many are shared in common by both traditions.  Dialogue participants also discussed and appreciated our distinctiveness.  Among these are the ways our churches have shaped their institutions and approaches to ministry appropriate to their particular missional contexts.

Dialogue participants shared their own questions with one another and began developing FAQs.  Sharing answers to these queries will assist both churches as we grow closer in relationship with one another. 

The next session will be held in October 2016.  

Alongside their work as a Dialogue Committee, participants, noting the recent passage of House Bill 2 in the State Legislature of North Carolina, found themselves confronted with an example of the common challenges faced by all Christians as they work to faithfully give witness to the sacred dignity of all people. The Committee, in recognition of the harmful effects of the bill, stands with our Episcopal and United Methodist bishops in North Carolina, calling upon the legislature to repeal this discriminatory law.

The central point of Episcopalians and United Methodists working to strengthen their relationship with each other is faithfully and effectively to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and to work for the healing of a divided and suffering world.

Our gratitude goes to the Rev. James Howell and Myers Park United Methodist Church for their gracious hospitality.   



Bishop Frank Brookhart (Episcopal Co-chair)

Bishop Gregory Palmer (United Methodist Co-chair)

The Rev. Dr. Pamela Lightsey (United Methodist)

The Rev. Jordan Haynie Ware (Episcopal)

Dr. Deirdre Good (guest) (Episcopal)

The Rev. Dr. Robert J. Williams (United Methodist)

Bishop David Rice (Episcopal)

The Rev. Patricia Farris (United Methodist)

The Rev. Dr. Tom Ferguson (Episcopal)

Bishop Mary Ann Swenson (United Methodist)

The Rev. James Howell (United Methodist)

Staff:  Dr.  Glen Alton Messer (United Methodist), Ms. Jeanette Nunez (United Methodist), the Rev. Margaret Rose (Episcopal)