Episcopal Service Corps seeks applicants for 2024-25 service year

The Episcopal Service Corps invites young leaders ages 21 to 32 interested in a transformative outreach and discernment experience to apply online for the 2024-25 program year through the end of May.

Those interested are encouraged to take an online discernment quiz.

Episcopal Service Corps is a network of young adults who commit to a year of transforming themselves and the world through community-building, local collaboration, prayer, and action while living in locally organized intentional communities within the U.S.

Each corps member serves at a community-based nonprofit, working in immigration and refugee resettlement, housing justice, education for at-risk youth, and more. Members receive housing, health coverage, and stipends to cover living expenses, transportation, and food.

Participants live and learn together, developing mutually supportive community, authentic relationships, and life-giving ways of communicating. In addition to service, they commit to learn about issues of justice and spiritual practices, including prayer, meditation, and spiritual direction.

The service year structure helps guide corps members as they seek to discern their next step. Many move into positions of leadership within their churches, the wider Episcopal Church, and other organizations serving the common good.

“A unique privilege we have in Episcopal Service Corps is to focus on community,” said Savannah Day, who participated in 2020. “This is an integral part of the program and of the mission of the spiritually grounded lives we hope to lead. As we live together, serve together, and discern together, we are learning more about what it looks like to be focused on community like Jesus Christ was. Rooting ourselves in love and service for our community propels our desire to advocate for intentional, transformative change in our society as we witness injustice around us from local to even international levels.” 

Learn more at the Episcopal Service Corps website or by emailing esc@episcopalchurch.org.