Public Affairs

Episcopal Service Corps continues recruitment for the 2020-2021 Service Year

While much of the United States is shut down due to the coronavirus pandemic, Episcopal Service Corps (ESC) continues to recruit young adults ages 21-32 for the 2020-2021 #ServiceYear. Find the discernment quiz and application here.

“Current Corps members as well as ESC alumnae are playing an important role in supporting our neighborhoods and communities through the current crisis, doing everything from food delivery and stocking shelves at food banks to working remotely with clients and nonprofits to maintain vital infrastructure,” says Wendy Johnson, ESC Coordinator. “If you are between 21 and 32 and feel called to live in community while serving others, we invite you to prayerfully consider a #ServiceYear through Episcopal Service Corps.”

About Episcopal Service Corps
Episcopal Service Corps is a network of young adults ages 21-32 serving through locally organized intentional communities that are dedicated to:

  • Serving others in solidarity
  • Promoting justice in community
  • Deepening spiritual awareness
  • Discerning vocation
  • Living simply

Everyone serving through ESC commits to a household Rule of Life and regular spiritual direction, discernment and community practices. During their #ServiceYear, Corps members receive housing, health coverage, and small stipends to cover living expenses, transportation and food. For many young adults, this year serves as an opportunity for vocational discernment broadly understood. Many of our participants move into positions of leadership within their local churches, the wider Episcopal Church, and community organizations.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until programs reach capacity.

Visit the ESC website for the application and discernment quiz as well as details about the application process and each ESC local program,

Questions about Episcopal Service Corps, contact Wendy Johnson.